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I have much more news to post about my recent trip to Thailand…

… but for today, I wanted to share a few of the Haikus that audience members came up with at my September 2009 “Back to School” show. The “assignment” was to render, in haiku form (or Limerick), “What I Saw on My Way to Matt & Shannon Heaton’s Back to School Show at Club Passim.”

Cold plastic bus seat
Wonderful music awaits:
for now, stats textbook

Center of Learning
Endowment bigger than God
Students working hard

I saw a cyclist
swerving in front of my car:
a near collision

Down into the underground garage
Up the stairs to a cobbled alley
Across the Square to dinner

Circling for parking
Please pull out, big S.U.V.
Loading Zone only…

Traffic lights conspire against us
Bostonians don’t drive like Hamish from Acharacle
It’s time they invented hover-boards

As I walked down the lane to Passim,
I saw leaves more of orange than of green.
“Fall has come!” I did think
And I then stopped to drink
of the lovely soft breeze, crisp and clean.


Leap, Little Frog

a musician's musings on nesting, being creative, traveling, and parenting