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My husband and I are musicians. And we’re parents. When we are onstage, we do our best to really be ON stage. But all our “backstage” experiences with our son (our little frog) deeply affect who we are as people, thus musicians. Recent insights: 

OK, “Happy You Made It” is officially one of the best kid cds in our collection… and not just because my husband Matt Heaton made it!

As musicians, we have a keen appreciation for good kindie offerings, like Laura Veirs’ Tumble Bee, the Pop Ups’ Radio Jungle, and Gustafer Yellowgold‘s imaginative releases.

You know, music you can actually enjoy listening that is actually made for kids.

Because Matt is a great musician who makes his living playing concerts in listening halls (of non kid music), it was natural for him to assemble a collection of well-constructed music for children–with a mix of originals and classics, and with his own style (surf meets trad).

But Matt was also unafraid to be thoroughly silly and make stuff that would get kids moving around. He’s a little goofier than some of the prettier/hipper kindie music. And it puts it on a par with Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem’s fantastic kid CD “Ranky Tanky” and Alastair Moock’s “These Are My Friends,” two more expertly made, but still not-too-cool-for-school kid music CD that really gets our kid (nearly 3) and all his friends singing and dancing along. Yessss!

The other nice touch of “Happy You Made It”: Matt sends along a poster for coloring–a black and white version of the incredible cover, designed by Dirk Tiede.

Great album. Great addition to a sometimes stellar genre. I am truly happy Matt made it.

Leap, Little Frog

a musician's musings on nesting, being creative, traveling, and parenting