by Shannon Heaton | Jan 4, 2017 | Croak It Out |
Since January 2009 (just days before Pres. Obama was sworn in to his first term), I launched Leap Little Frog. I needed a place to chronicle my own personal successes and failures, on and offstage. Today the stakes are higher. It’s time to look beyond my own...
by Shannon Heaton | Dec 28, 2016 | Croak It Out |
December is CREATIVE HABITAT month. I’m looking at ways artistic people manage to make fulfilling lives, despite and also because of structures and limitations. Today I’m celebrating independence, with just a little chip on my shoulder: Alec Baldwin is a...
by Shannon Heaton | Dec 21, 2016 | Croak It Out
December is CREATIVE HABITAT month. I’m looking at ways artistic people manage to make fulfilling lives, despite and also because of structures and limitations. Today I’m (re) constructing my own world view, which seems in opposition to prevailing...
by Shannon Heaton | Sep 13, 2016 | Croak It Out |
For the month of September, Leap Little Frog is hopping around a library theme. For this second installment, photographer Leo Hsu helps us reflect on how libraries feed community life. Free to the People, Leo Hsu’s series of documentary portraits taken in...
by Shannon Heaton | Aug 30, 2016 | Croak It Out |
Sometime inspiration and clarity can come in cluttered ettings. Here’s how my recent visit to an Italian American restaurant playing uncool hits from the 80s refreshed my week’s work: OK, I think it’s great to drink cortados alonside millennials. I...
by Shannon Heaton | Apr 13, 2016 | Croak It Out
I always wish I had more time to roll up my sleeves and dig into creative projects. Before our son came along, I had a hard enough time finding these opportunities. If only I’d known how much time I really had back then!! But I didn’t, and now I do. So now...